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Kitsap Live Steamers Steam Locomotive Demonstration Day


Learn about the live steam hobby and how these miniature steam locomotives work.

The steam locomotives you see running at the KLS track are fully functional miniature versions of the full-size steam locomotives that were, at one time, the height of technology throughout the world.  In response to many questions over the years, Kitsap Live Steamers will be hosting a free demonstration day where we will give you a close-up view of what is involved in running a steam locomotive from lubing and firing in the morning to final blow down at the end of the day. Registered guests will learn about steam locomotives of all sizes, including those modelled in a scale of 12 inches to the foot. 


When/Where: June 21 at 10:00am, at the Kitsap Live Steamers depot

Space is limited, preregistration required:  Contact Bill Hartung at 206-498-1503.

Don Deffley on Mikado
Carole and Tasha

Welcome to Kitsap Live Steamers!

We are a non-profit, 7.5" gauge scale railroad located in the heart of Port Orchard. We offer rides to the public as well as provide demonstrations and promote education in railroad safety. Established in 1990, we are comprised of members from all over the world and of all different age groups and backgrounds.


Starting in April and ending in October, we run every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month (along with some Sundays and holidays). Our train rides last around 12 minutes, and feature a fun and relaxing ride through woods, you never know what type of wildlife you will see! Trains run throughout the day and you will get to see a varied collection of motive power, from steam to diesel and electric! Did we mention steam??? Yes, we do have real steam engines pulling our trains. Our staff is friendly and ready to help assist you on and off the train as well as answer any questions you may have. During our off-season we continue to stay busy improving and building our wonderful little railroad. Members are able to utilize the railroad at their leisure and are always encouraged to participate in work parties and run days. We have something for everyone at KLS.


If you would like to be a part of our railroad, please check out the “membership” section of our website which describes the membership process. If you would like to come out for a wonderful ride through the woods, please check our schedule and always feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

 Become a member of Kitsap Live Steamers, Inc. to really enjoy the railroad hobby. You can learn to be a conductor and engineer and join in the fun. You do not need to own your own locomotive. Once you are qualified you can check out and give your family and friends rides. Click on Membership Info and also ask for details at the depot on our scheduled run days for more details.